OTS Mcq's 

1) The Angel who is said to be incharge of taking life of living creatures_____
Ans:Hazrat Izraeel 
2) When was born Rabiya Basry (RB)?
Ans:95 AH
3) Jizya means_____
Ans:Religious Tax 
4) Hazrat Ali Martyred at the age of____
5) On which of the following occasion Muslim offer “Namaz e Kausuf”?
Ans:At the time of eclipse of sun 
6) Which prophet called Adam e Sani (Abul Bashar)?
Ans: Hazrat Nooh  (A.S)
7) The first Ummyed caliph was______ 
Ans:Ameer Muawiya 
8) Whose nation was destroyed by a  rain of stones ?
Ans: Hazrat Loot A.s
9) The shortest Suraah in the Holy Quraan is?
Ans: Surah Al kausar (الکوثر )
10) Hazrat Nooh( A.s) remained in the boat for about six month .where had his boat stopped?
11) Total number of Madni Surah is___ 
Ans: 28  (Maki Surah 86)
12) After sleeping for a 100 years he again woke up .
Ans: Hazrat Uzair A.S 
13) How many rukus are there in Surah Bakra?

Ans: 40 ( Total Ayat 286) 
14) Hazrat Yousuf As remaind in  well  for ____
Ans: 3 days 
15) Under the Islamic law of inheritance what would be the share of the wife from husband’s properity in the presence of children ?
Ans: 1/8( one eight)
16) How many rivers flow in balochistan?
Ans: 7 ( seven)
17) When Pakistan became the nuclear power?
Ans:May 28 ,1998 
18) Which is the national bird of Pakistan ?
Ans: Chakor( Animal Markhoor)
19) When people’s party formed by Zulfaqqar Ali Bhutto ?
Ans: 1967 
20) K-2 (Godon Astin) is present in which mountain range?
Ans: koh Korakram
21) When Mulana Muhammad Ali Johar issued Hamdarad Newspaper?
Ans:1913 (Dehli)
22) Name the pass which connects Abbotabad and gilgiat? 
background-position: 0px 50%; background-repeat: initial; background-size: initial; border: 0px; box-sizing: border-box; font-stretch: inherit; font-variant-east-asian: inherit; font-variant-numeric: inherit; line-height: inherit; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;">Ans: Babusar pass 
23) In 1974____ summit of the OIC was held at Lahore?
24) Monjo Daro is situated in ?
Ans: Punjab 
25) In 1916 Muslim League and congress for the 1st time held their joint session in____
Ans: Kcucknow
26) What is the total length of Khyber Pass?
Ans: 53 Km
27) Quied e Azam inaugurated state Bank of Pakistan ?
Ans: 1st July 1948 
28) 1979 a new province established? 
Ans: Balochistan 
29) When Pakistan joined ILO as a member ?
Ans: 1947 
30) In which year boundary agreement was signed between Pakistan and China? 
Ans: March 1963 
31) What is the height of Takht e salmania Peak?
Ans: 3500 meters 
32) How many desrts in Punjab?
Ans: 2 (Chulistan& Thal)
33) Which range separates Balochistan Plateaue from Afghanistan ?
34) What is the duration of National Antham of Pakistan ?
Ans: 80 seconds (1 minute 20 second) 
35) What is the friendly desert?
Ans: Sahara
36) What is nationality of J. K Rowling Athor of Harry potter?
Ans: British 
37) In which year Hailry Clinton contestied presidential elections?
Ans: 2016 
38) With which country India deals to purchases Rafel fighter Jets ?
Ans: France 
39) Daylight saving times (DST) a sysytem for uniformly advancing clock speacially in summer began during?
Ans: world war I
40) Our body needs Vitamen D.?
Ans: proper absorption of calcium, Stored in bones, Health Skin,Immune sysytem Health 
41) Inner core is earth’s centre with diameter of :
Ans:1200 Miles (2442KM)
FIA -LDC (BS-09)
Test date: 29-09-2019
Testing Agency: OTS.
Q1. Length of Khyber pass? 53 KM
Q2. National anthem duration? 80 seconds.
Q3. When was Pakistan Peoples Party formed. ? 1967
Q4. Which province was established in 1970. 
Q5. Nationality of JK Rowling, author of Harry Potter.? British
Q6. Obligatory means.? Compulsory 

Q7. Spelling: Unanimous
Q8. Spelling: Xylophone.
Q9. Spelling: Loyalty
Q10. Gloomy means. ? Sad
Q11. No prosecution shall be instituted without the consultation of ? Law and Justice division
Q.12. Friendly desert.? Thar
Q.13. When Pakistan joined ILO ? 1947
Q.14. How many deserts in Punjab ? 2
Q.15. MFN stands for ? Most favoured Nation
Q.16. Secretariat instructions were issued in? 2004.
Q.17 Hilary Clinton contested for presidential elections in ? 2016.
Q. 18. UNO Came into existence in ? 24 October 1995.
Q.19. How Many Ruku in Surah e Baqarah.? 40.
Q.20. When Namaz e kusuf is offered ? Solar eclipse.
Q.21 third kalma is named as ? Tamjeed.
Q.22. Third source of Islamic fiqh? Ijma.
Q.23 country having three capitals? South Africa.
Q.24. Jizya means ? Tax paid by non-Muslim population to their muslic Rulers instead of Zakat.
Q.25. Defer means ? Delay/postpone.
Q26. Old name of Ankara? Angora.
Q.27. Peace palace Hague in netherland is famous for ? International Court of Justice 


Alpha-keratin is a protein present in which thing?

Where was the principal meeting of the Constituent Assembly held?

style="color: red; font-size: medium;">Which of coming up next is utilized as 'a mediator in atomic reactor?

Which planet looks rosy in the night sky?

What was the wellspring of the blue diamond stone, lapis lazuli, for individuals of Harappan culture?

Sachin Tendulkar scored his 100th worldwide hundred years against which' country ?

In baseball, the two rival groups comprise of howmany players?

The ill-advised capability of which brings about condition 'Myxedema' in people?

In the Vedic culture, which was the term used to signify a gathering of families?

Which component that doesn't happen in nature however can be delivered falsely?

When had India an arrangement occasion?

How are Latitude and Longitude?

Which Philosophy holds that the world is made and kept up with by Universal Law?

Which book is created by V.S. Naipaul ?

Which can be utilized for organic control of mosquitoes?

Which announcement of National Emergency naturally suspends?

The scope of a spot is equivalent to which place?

What was the content utilized in the earliest Tamil engravings?



The third most significant test Picture story composing (ISSB Picture story writing) to evaluate the competitor capacity of reasoning. In this test picture are displayed on projector where up-and-comers need to pass judgment on the image and characters and afterward work out story on given picture. The photos are shown high contrast without variety, and in pictures characters/objects are imperceptible to find out.


Competitors will show 4 pictures on projector (mixed media). For each image time is given restricted.


Picture will be displayed for 30 seconds on projector (media), are given to contender for look at, find out the endlessly protests exercises. Then following 30 seconds, 3.5 minutes are given to up-and-comers compose a reasonable, clear and importance capable story on given picture. Same time length will be given for other 3 pictures.

Ways to compose STORY ON PICTURE:

Figure out objects cautiously from picture.

Following 30 seconds, make a story to you prior to composing on page.

Composed story should be connected with yourself.

Compose story short however significance full.

Give character name, age and calling in beginning of story.

Give finish of story in the last.

When you finished story attempt to peruse yourself once.

Don't hold back, keep typical disposition.



Sentence Completion Test in ISSB is a piece of Psychologist Test. This Test is otherwise called SCT. It is a character Test in ISSB. In ISSB Sentence Completion Test a competitor is given a paper on which fractional deficient sentences are composed and an up-and-comer needs to finish these sentences in the most natural sounding way for him.

In ISSB, this test is taken by Psychologist to figure out your character attributes and character. Sentence total by an up-and-comer is connected with the competitor life.


Sentence Completion Test is utilized to dissect up-and-comer thought, intentions and perspectives and clashes. A clinician as a rule passes judgment on competitor character by perusing the sentences finished by an up-and-comer.

The up-and-comer is furnished with a paper on which 26 fractional deficient sentences are composed. You need to finish the sentences shortly. There are two pages given two you individually. The two of which have 26 sentences on each to finish. In this way, the complete sentences are 54.

Same circumstance is for Urdu Sentences as well.


It isn't required for a contender to finish every one of the sentences however finishing all sentences is great. Since it will show your cleverness. Be normal and valid in finishing the sentences. Since the sentence you complete depends on your own life(It is considered by Psychologist).


Malicious spirits - has detestable reasoning

At the point when he feels irate - he goes to the nursery

Around evening time - there were stars on the sky

His mentality - show the positive and make major areas of strength for him

He chills off when - he flew off the handle

His greatest sin is - in view of misleading explanation

At the point when in distress - somebody never lose trust

During inconvenience - he never lose trust and help other people

At the point when he became poor - he will rise in the future

At the point when a young lady destinations alone - she contemplate his future.

His concern is - settled without anyone else

His most prominent longing - is to get by for pak force.

At the point when he has power - he helps penniless/poor

Connection of man and ladies - is a couple

His affection for country - is valid

style="color: red; font-size: medium;">The mission of ladies - is work like a men in any association

In haziness - he attempt to rest

The best concern is - judgment of last day of life

His propensities - are help penniless.

The mind-set of the young ladies - was study for test

Young men and young ladies together - concentrate on well in arrangements

The extra time - can be utilized for study

The family arranging is - under the world wellbeing association

The simplest thing in life is - ponder family


Alpha-keratin is a protein present in which thing?

Where was the principal meeting of the Constituent Assembly held?

Which of coming up next is utilized as 'a mediator in atomic reactor?

Which planet looks rosy in the night sky?

What was the wellspring of the blue diamond stone, lapis lazuli, for individuals of Harappan culture?

Sachin Tendulkar scored his 100th worldwide hundred years against which' country ?

In baseball, the two rival groups comprise of howmany players?

The ill-advised capability of which brings about condition 'Myxedema' in people?

In the Vedic culture, which was the term used to signify a gathering of families?

Which component that doesn't happen in nature however can be delivered falsely?

When had India an arrangement occasion?

How are Latitude and Longitude?

Which Philosophy holds that the world is made and kept up with by Universal Law?

Which book is created by V.S. Naipaul ?

Which can be utilized for organic control of mosquitoes?

Which announcement of National Emergency naturally suspends?

The scope of a spot is equivalent to which place?

What was the content utilized in the earliest Tamil engravings?



The third most significant test Picture story composing (ISSB Picture story writing) to evaluate the competitor capacity of reasoning. In this test picture are displayed on projector where up-and-comers need to pass judgment on the image and characters and afterward work out story on given picture. The photos are shown high contrast without variety, and in pictures characters/objects are imperceptible to find out.


Competitors will show 4 pictures on projector (mixed media). For each image time is given restricted.


Picture will be displayed for 30 seconds on projector (media), are given to contender for look at, find out the endlessly protests exercises. Then following 30 seconds, 3.5 minutes are given to up-and-comers compose a reasonable, clear and importance capable story on given picture. Same time length will be given for other 3 pictures.

Ways to compose STORY ON PICTURE:

Figure out objects cautiously from picture.

Following 30 seconds, make a story to you prior to composing on page.

Composed story should be connected with yourself.

Compose story short however significance full.

Give character name, age and calling in beginning of story.

Give finish of story in the last.

When you finished story attempt to peruse yourself once.

Don't hold back, keep typical disposition.



Sentence Completion Test in ISSB is a piece of Psychologist Test. This Test is otherwise called SCT. It is a character Test in ISSB. In ISSB Sentence Completion Test a competitor is given a paper on which fractional deficient sentences are composed and an up-and-comer needs to finish these sentences in the most natural sounding way for him.

In ISSB, this test is taken by Psychologist to figure out your character attributes and character. Sentence total by an up-and-comer is connected with the competitor life.


Sentence Completion Test is utilized to dissect up-and-comer thought, intentions and perspectives and clashes. A clinician as a rule passes judgment on competitor character by perusing the sentences finished by an up-and-comer.

The up-and-comer is furnished with a paper on which 26 fractional deficient sentences are composed. You need to finish the sentences shortly. There are two pages given two you individually. The two of which have 26 sentences on each to finish. In this way, the complete sentences are 54.

Same circumstance is for Urdu Sentences as well.


It isn't required for a contender to finish every one of the sentences however finishing all sentences is great. Since it will show your cleverness. Be normal and valid in finishing the sentences. Since the sentence you complete depends on your own life(It is considered by Psychologist).


Malicious spirits - has detestable reasoning

At the point when he feels irate - he goes to the nursery

Around evening time - there were stars on the sky

His mentality - show the positive and make major areas of strength for him

He chills off when - he flew off the handle

His greatest sin is - in view of misleading explanation

At the point when in distress - somebody never lose trust

During inconvenience - he never lose trust and help other people

At the point when he became poor - he will rise in the future

At the point when a young lady destinations alone - she contemplate his future.

His concern is - settled without anyone else

His most prominent longing - is to get by for pak force.

At the point when he has power - he helps penniless/poor

Connection of man and ladies - is a couple

His affection for country - is valid

The mission of ladies - is work like a men in any association

In haziness - he attempt to rest

The best concern is - judgment of last day of life

His propensities - are help penniless.

The mind-set of the young ladies - was study for test

Young men and young ladies together - concentrate on well in arrangements

The extra time - can be utilized for study

The family arranging is - under the world wellbeing association

The simplest thing in life is - ponder family

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